Es werden aktuelle und vergangene Kongresse aufgelistet die einen Bezug zur Community Psychology haben.

  • 10th ICCP in Uruguay 2024 – call for proposals

    10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY „Reinventing life together in the current socio-political context“ September 10 and 13th, 2024 University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay The organizing team of the 10th International Conference on Community Psychology and the Meeting of Socio-community Experiences in University Extension, calls for proposals that address themes related to 2024 programming

  • ICP 2024 Prag

    33rd International Congress of Psychology Psychology for the Future: Together in Hope 21. – 26. July 2024 in Prag, Czech Republic Beiträge, Workshops und Symposien u.a. zur Community Psychology

  • 18th European Congress of Psychology 2023 in Brighton

    While the world has been united in its battles against a global pandemic, we’ve also never been more divided. Issues of inequality driven by poverty, race, gender, climate crisis and many more have been catapulted to the fore, showing how volatile the world can be and raising questions of how society can come together and […]

  • ECP 2022 in Slovenien

    17th European Congress of Psychology Psychology as the Hub Science: Opportunities and Responsibility 5-8 July 2022 in Ljubljana; Slovenia

  • ICCP 2022 in Naples

    9th International Congress of Community Psychology COMMUNITY RE-GENERATION. BONDS AND BRIDGES AMONG PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENTS 21.-24 September 2022 in Naples; Italy

  • ECPA 2021 in Oslo

    The 11th European Conference on Community Psychology 2021 in Oslo The European Conference on Community Psychology (ECCP) will be arranged by the European Community Psychology Association (ECPA) in collaboration with the Norwegian Psychological Association (NPA), The European Federation of Psychology Associations (EFPA) and partners. The conference will be held in Oslo, Norway, from 3rd- 4th […]